Osteoarthritis bothering you? Have you considered the wins of water physio?

Osteoarthritis bothering you? Have you considered the wins of water physio?

June 05, 2020

Physiotherapist Kirsty Tindal explains exactly what hydrotherapy is and how it can be a great option in the management of osteoarthritis. Read on to hear about all the benefits of warm water for your pain rlief and exercise goals!

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More than just ‘leg day’: learn more about the science behind achieving strength and control after your ACL Reco

More than just ‘leg day’: learn more about the science behind achieving strength and control after your ACL Reco

June 05, 2020

Stage 2 of ACL rehabilitation is the strength and control phase. This is where the fun really begins. Your knee is no longer sore, swollen and cranky, you’re walking around more normally and feeling a bit more confident with your newly reconstructed knee. Now is the time where we start to load you and restore your strength and control. But how do you know where to start or what to do?

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What I tennis elbow?.... what is Golfers elbow? Wait… but what is the difference?

What I tennis elbow?.... what is Golfers elbow? Wait… but what is the difference?

June 05, 2020

Physiotherapist Darcy takes you through what tennis and golfers elbow are what the difference between the two is and how to best treat these painful injuries.

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Just breathe – its more powerful than you think for pain relief!

Just breathe – its more powerful than you think for pain relief!

May 05, 2020

Breathing is one of our most basic and foundational movement patterns. Poor breathing biomechanics can seriously affect our body’s ability to work at its best, and yet, in turn, our lives can also affect our breathing – it’s a complex physiological circle of chicken or egg questions. However, what we do know is that sustained improvements in chief complaints such as pain, poor posture and limited flexibility, which are commonly presenting to the Optimal Health Lab, can easily be made and measured through incorporating optimal breathing patterns. Myotherapy Mike is our breathing guru!

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The importance of resistance and strength training for distance runners: To lift or not to lift?

The importance of resistance and strength training for distance runners: To lift or not to lift?

May 05, 2020

The role of strength training in distance runners is often misunderstood, and often under-utilised. But resistance training can be a very useful adjunct to your normal running training. Read on as physiotherapist Emily takes you through the benefits of adding some resistance work into your programme.

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Finding your ‘fitness feels’ after your bub arrives!

Finding your ‘fitness feels’ after your bub arrives!

April 19, 2020

‘Just gradually go back to exercise’ is the throw away line you hear said to many women after they have been carrying a baby for 9months and then been through labour and delivery – OHL Physio Kirsty wants to support you so it actually seems THAT simple! Returning to exercise after having a baby can be a complicated (and often emotional) time of learning about your body and how to nurture and move it best. This blog explains how Women’s and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist Kirsty can help you navigate this journey and safely guide you in finding your ‘fitness feels’ once again!

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Shoulder bursitis annoying you? Your poor home desk set up might’ve been the start!

Shoulder bursitis annoying you? Your poor home desk set up might’ve been the start!

April 19, 2020

Physiotherapist Darcy takes you through what shoulder bursitis is and explains how your home desk posture could contribute to it. Read about how an OHL Physio can help manage this painful injury today.  

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ACL Surgery Postponed? There are up sides to this reality!

ACL Surgery Postponed? There are up sides to this reality!

April 19, 2020

You have just received the bad news that you have ruptured your ACL and the decision has been made in conjunction with your orthopaedic specialist that you require surgery. What do you need to do now? Do you sit around and wait for the impending date or are there things that you can do to maximise the effectiveness of the surgery and make your rehabilitation an easier process? Read on to find out…

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Preparation and PREHAB promotes success for a total hip replacement and total knee replacements. Here's the Physio hacks to get ready

Preparation and PREHAB promotes success for a total hip replacement and total knee replacements. Here's the Physio hacks to get ready

April 09, 2020

Facing the prospect of an upcoming knee or hip replacement can be a daunting time. But there are ways to get yourself optimally prepared, to make sure you have the best recovery possible. Read on to hear about prehabilitation for joint replacements from our orthopaedic physiotherapist expert Emily.

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Exercise during Pregnancy - Solid facts from an expert (and a mum herself)

Exercise during Pregnancy - Solid facts from an expert (and a mum herself)

April 09, 2020

There are many benefits to exercising during pregnancy. Read on to hear from a Womens and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Kirsty, about all these amazing benefits of consistent exercise and what exercises she recommends for you during pregnancy!

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What is Telehealth? And how can I benefit from it?

What is Telehealth? And how can I benefit from it?

March 22, 2020

A telehealth session includes a thorough subjective assessment where you will explain your injury/concern to us and we will ask you specific questions to determine how we can best help you.

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Eating my way to a healthier heart? How can I do it?

Eating my way to a healthier heart? How can I do it?

March 10, 2020

There is a lot of confusing information available on dietary fat and the effects on the body. Dietitian, Bonnie Taylor navigates the facts about fat and helps you decipher which ones assist in keeping your cholesterol within the healthy range, for a healthy heart. Heart disease is Australia’s leading cause of death, with it responsible for 10% of deaths in Australian women and 13% of death in Australian men.

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