Exercising With Cancer

Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in supporting individuals affected by cancer, both during and after their treatment. Fatigue, affecting the majority of patients undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy, and other complications following cancer, can significantly reduce physical function and quality of life. Recognising the importance of addressing these challenges, physical activity has emerged as a vital component in cancer care. An OHL Physiotherapist can tailor exercise and rehabilitation programs to address the unique needs and challenges faced by cancer patients, promoting overall well-being and improving quality of life.

Benefits of Exercise: Embracing exercise, both cardiovascular and strength, during and after cancer treatment holds many benefits for you. This includes improving your treatment response, mitigating side effects, such as fatigued, muscle/bone loss, enhancing your recovery, and uplifting your mood. Regular exercise contributes to maintaining a healthy weight, reducing health risks, and potentially lowering the risk of cancer recurrence. Engaging in exercise programs also fosters a supportive community around you.

How an OHL Physiotherapist plays a role: A member of our OHL Physio team is an integral member of your healthcare team, contributing significantly to your cancer care. Our role encompasses designing personalized exercise programs, supporting your rehabilitation post-surgery, managing any pain, preventing lymphoedema, and ultimately enhancing your overall quality of life. Through collaboration and a holistic care approach, physiotherapists ensure your well-being is addressed comprehensively. We can also liaise with our OHL Dietitian, Myotherapist and Podiatrist, so you care is smooth within our building, as well as keep ongoing communication with your medical teams.

Contraindications: It's important for you to be aware of certain conditions that might require adjustments to your exercise program. If you experience issues like weak bones, immunocompromised, low blood cell counts, skin irritation, cardiac concerns, or peripheral neuropathy, it's advisable to consult your GP before initiating or modifying your exercise plan. Your safety and the effectiveness of the program are paramount, and open communication about any concerns is encouraged.

In summary, the integration of a physiotherapy-led exercise program is fundamental in your comprehensive cancer care and recovery plan. OHL Physiotherapists bring expertise in tailoring exercise regimens, addressing your rehabilitation needs, and promoting your overall well-being. Beyond the physical aspect, the positive impacts of exercise extend to your mood, social engagement, and overall quality of life. Your input and concerns matter, so feel free to discuss any questions or uncertainties.

Want to get started today? Call us on 9431 5955 to book in to see an OHL Physio this week and or our OHL Dietitian – whomever feels like the right person to start with in your current status!