Tight muscles? Stretching versus strengthening. Get the facts from an expert!

Tight muscles? Stretching versus strengthening. Get the facts from an expert!

July 01, 2021

Have you been stretching and stretching but you just can’t shake the uncomfortable feeling of muscle tension? We look at the best, most effective ways to rid yourself of tight muscles.

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Rotator cuff repairs what is it? What is the plan? And who do I need to speak too?

Rotator cuff repairs what is it? What is the plan? And who do I need to speak too?

July 01, 2021

Physiotherapist Darcy takes you through what surgical rotator cuff repairs are and what to expect pre and post-surgery with our expert shoulder physio team.

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Why do we have a strength lab? Not a Clinical Pilates studio!

Why do we have a strength lab? Not a Clinical Pilates studio!

July 01, 2021

Have you ever wondered why we call our exercise rehab room a ‘strength lab’ and not a clinical pilates studio? Yes there is significant reason behind this naming decision!

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Putting the PRO in proprioception

Putting the PRO in proprioception

March 18, 2021

Ever heard of the word ‘proprioception’ and not quite understood what it actually is? Physiotherapist Bec takes you through the definition of proprioception, why it’s important, and the things you can do to help improve it.

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October 12, 2020

Tea detox? Juice cleanse? 28-day detox? 10kg weight loss in time for summer?

 Have you ever thought about if these claims are realistic? How sustainable they are? Have you thought about trying them? Let’s face it – the media provides some quick and easy approaches that seem simple – so why not, right?

 The reality is, these programs sell a diet, product or program that don’t invest in your health long term. They don’t teach you practical skills- how many times have you dieted and not found long term results?

Okay, so what is needed for weight loss?

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Shoulder arthritis… Shoulder replacement… Can that happen?

Shoulder arthritis… Shoulder replacement… Can that happen?

September 17, 2020

Physiotherapist Darcy takes you through the definition of shoulder arthritis, how it occurs, as well as the interventions that can be performed to improve function and pain in an arthritic shoulder joint.

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What is a Scaphoid fracture? And what do I need to do if one occurs?

What is a Scaphoid fracture? And what do I need to do if one occurs?

September 17, 2020

Scaphoid fractures are a common bone break that occurs in the wrist. Physio Darcy takes you through some basic knowledge on scaphoid fractures and discusses how to best identify them if, or when, they do occur.

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My shoulder popped out…. What should I do? Shoulder dislocations in sport – What do I do? Do I need surgery, or is physio the answer?

My shoulder popped out…. What should I do? Shoulder dislocations in sport – What do I do? Do I need surgery, or is physio the answer?

September 17, 2020

Physiotherapist Darcy takes you through the management of shoulder dislocations, a summary of the recovery and what your options are if a dislocation or subluxation does occur.

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Fast facts about Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

Fast facts about Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

August 18, 2020

Pelvic organ Prolapse or ‘POP’ can be scary words to hear from your obs/gynae, GP or Women’s and  Pelvic Health Physio. Many women have never heard of it and/or they never thought it would happen to them. So, as the saying goes, knowledge is power and knowledge is something I can easily share with you. Get reading to de-mystify POP, and what CAN you do about it?

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Desk-set Legends

Desk-set Legends

July 29, 2020

Setting up a practical, yet ergonomically optimal, desk set up and/or work space needs to be number priority for office workers right now. This quick and easy task could save you developing pain later!


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Lets finally run, jump, skip and hop post ACL Reco, AKA the fun stage of rehab!

Lets finally run, jump, skip and hop post ACL Reco, AKA the fun stage of rehab!

July 22, 2020

Phase three is often the most rewarding for individuals when rehabbing back from ACL injury. They have done the hard work to lay the strength foundations and now they get to do what they have been dying to do for so long – run!! But that does not mean that the hard work and strengthening is over. Read on to find out more…

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What is Urinary Incontinence? World Continence Week: 15-22 June 2020

What is Urinary Incontinence? World Continence Week: 15-22 June 2020

June 19, 2020

Did you know that incontinence is one of the leading reasons for Australian seniors being admitted to residential aged care? But incontinence isn’t just an issue for older women. 1 in 3 women will experience urinary incontinence after childbirth.  This week aims to raise awareness of the issue for all women and encourage them to seek assistance.

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