Ankle Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a type of arthritis that occurs when the protective cartilage, which acts as a cushion between the bones, starts to break down. Ankle OA is a condition that affects the ankle joint, which is where the bones of the leg and foot come together.

Ankle OA can be caused by various factors, including age, previous injuries or trauma to the ankle, repetitive stress on the joint or, sadly, a genetic predisposition. Common features of ankle Osteoarthritis are a loss of range of motion, increased pain with weightbearing activities or prolonged resting positions, increased muscle tension and discomfort around the calf and shin, a pain that is often hard to locate and can feel deep.

Treatment for ankle osteoarthritis usually involves a combination of different approaches. These can include lifestyle modifications such as maintaining a healthy weight (using support from our OHL Dietitian) and engaging in low-impact exercises, using pain-relieving medications or injections intermittently to help someone continue to engage in low-impact activities. Other options, which also have great merit, include wearing supportive footwear or braces and undergoing physiotherapy-led or podiatry-led exercise programming to improve strength and flexibility available in the joint. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended to repair or replace the damaged joint – if this is to occur, physiotherapy is further required from post-operative management to restoration of functional use of the ankle joint.

It's important to note that ankle osteoarthritis is a chronic condition, meaning it doesn't have a cure. However, with appropriate management and treatment, people with ankle osteoarthritis can find relief from pain and improve their overall quality of life.

Other conditions of the foot and ankle can sometimes present similarly to ankle OA. These conditions may include but are not limited to; ankle sprains, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Tendinopathy, Impingement and synovitis –thus it is important to be assessed by an experienced Physiotherapist at the Optimal Health Lab to ensure you receive a plan that is appropriate to your condition. Bookings available through 9431 5955, or you can book via our Client Portal on the website.