Wrist Osteoarthritis

Wrist osteoarthritis is a condition that refers to the loss of cartilage between the wrist bones. The wrist has two long bones (ulna and radius) and 8 small bones, and they all need cartilage to work together smoothly. Cartilage is the elastic connective tissue that allows gliding between joints. Wrist osteoarthritis is often caused by the natural process of aging, unresolved trauma to the wrist or auto-immune conditions.

When diagnosing wrist osteoarthritis common signs and symptoms your OHL Physio will look for include pain and/or swelling of the wrist, stiffness (more so in the mornings), muscle weakness and difficulty twisting objects. It can sometimes present similarly to psoriatic arthritis, gout or haemochromatosis. Clinical assessment, and often XRAY imaging, is used to diagnose wrist osteoarthritis.

Treatment for wrist arthritis initially involves rest + limiting aggravating activities and pain relief medications initially. Splints to assist with offloading can also be quite beneficial for some individuals. In some cases, depending on the pain and restriction to function a cortisone injection can be administered to assist with reducing the inflammation present at the joint space, and in this situation, we can help liaise with your GP, Sports GPs or Sports Physicians for this intervention. It should be noted however that the injection alone will not completely solve wrist arthritis. It needs to be paired with advice and load management from a Physiotherapist. Surgery can be performed also if required, but often after conservative treatment has been trailed. Physiotherapy of this condition will involve manual therapy and specific exercises and loading patterns that aim to reduce pain and increase function of the wrist.

Overall, although wrist osteoarthritis is fairly common, it is very debilitating and needs holistic care to ensure it doesn’t limit YOUR life too much. Don’t delay starting your plan by calling us on 9431 5955 or you can book a physiotherapy appointment online via our Client Portal on the website.