November 21, 2018

Nutrition information is everywhere we look. Constantly we hear about the new magic diet that will ‘shed the fat’, super foods we should be eating, macronutrients – the amount of carbohydrates, fats, and protein that we should or should not be eating. It’s not only hard to keep up the ever changing messages but it can be confusing along the way. So what information should we listen to?

In Australia, our dietary guidelines which are based on a huge body of scientific evidence haven’t changed very much unlike the latest fad diets. Eating plenty of plant based foods – vegetables, fruits and wholegrains, together with moderate amount of protein foods and dairy form the basis on a healthy eating plan. Getting the balance right can be tricky. Time constraints, food budget, having to consider others in the family when planning meals are some of the factors. Our own food journey also plays a big part in how and why we eat the way we do. Medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, IBS may require a person to follow a certain diet and different stages in life have different nutritional needs.

Finding the right diet for you takes into consideration these factors, provides you with the right amount of food to nourish your body and mind. Being free to enjoy food that makes us feel good, healthy and satisfied is key to good nutrition. Feeling restricted by a diet plan, hungry, deprived or guilty with eating, all of which can be experiences of fad diets, is not a good recipe for long term health and wellbeing.

Dietitians are the experts in nutrition and can help you to find enjoyment and pleasure with eating that promotes optimal health in a way that is personalised to you. Our dietitian Michelle applies a non-diet approach to eating and together with her clients helps them to find enjoyment in eating a nourished diet that is just right for their needs.

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